Paducah already has Doordash, and Murray is getting Doordash soon! Now we need to get on board! Doordash would help our local small businesses that do not have the ability to hire delivery drivers. This has been in larger cities for a while now, but it is getting closer and closer to home. The app is super easy for anyone to use to order lunch or dinner and have it delivered right to your door.
In order for the Doordash dream to become reality in Marshall County, we would have to have enough local Restaurants to sign up with Doordash. We already have at least one driver qualified in our area that wants to see our local restaurants jump on board and get this wonderful service available in our county! James Bahre reached out to me yesterday and wanted to know if we would help him let local businesses know how to sign up and get more information about Doordash for their business!
Local Restaurants can go to the following link to sign up for Doordash and get more information:
You will also need the following reference number for our area: 61975570
This can be another awesome way to increase sales for our local small businesses and give us a few more options for delivery! Even if you don’t own a restaurant, be sure to share this with your friends that do own them!