The partnership is only the 3rd of its kind in Kentucky will launch May 1, 2019
Paducah, KY, April 22, 2019– MERRYMAN HOUSE DOMESTIC CRISIS CENTER proudly announces that it will expand its current Lethality Assessment Program to the Marshall County area in a new partnership with the Marshall County Sherriff’s Office.
The Lethality Assessment Program or LAP, is based on the research of Jackie Campbell and in partnership with Johns Hopkins University, showing that women killed by their intimate partners had very seldom been engaged by advocates. The protocol has been designed for law enforcement first responders and asks victims eleven questions based on Campbell’s research on factors associated with lethality. Certain responses trigger the “protocol referral” which is an immediate connection with the Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center by police.
“We are so glad to partner with the MCSO in this way so that victims have access to this program that is truly on the cutting edge of how we respond to domestic violence, “said Mary Foley, Executive Director for Merryman House “domestic violence is a lethal crime, and we must build stronger collaborations within the community if we are going to save lives.”
The Lethality Assessment Program is offered in the Louisville, KY area and locally, in Paducah, KY in partnership with Paducah Police Department. This expansion will allow the program to now be offered to residents of the Marshall County Area.
“As a law enforcement agency, we love partnering with organizations that help reduce crime by giving victims the resources they need to escape the cycle of violence. Many victims, because of their close relationship with the abuser, fail to recognize the imminent danger they are facing. For those out there trapped in a violent relationship, we can better help you escape the danger,” said Sheriff Eddie McGuire of the MCSO. “We are delighted to partner with the Merryman House on this cutting edge opportunity.”
Samantha Mighell, who is the Lethality Assessment Advocate for the MHDCC, is a retired Sergeant from the MCSO and brings over 20-years of law enforcement experience to the position. “I have seen so many families suffer due to domestic violence with little I could do as a deputy, other than arrest the abusers. There was little we could do to truly help the victims escape the abuser long term, “said Mighell, “I am so thankful for the Sheriff’s office participation so that we are able to reach these victims and provide these free services.”
Merryman House, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, is committed to saving, building and changing the lives of victims of domestic violence. It has been serving the eight-county Purchase Region as the state-designated provider since 1978. Merryman House offers non-residential programming as well. It has four outreach offices located in McCracken, Marshall, Graves, and Calloway counties. Merryman House serves nearly 900 victims per year, and all services are free and confidential.
If you would like more information about the Merryman House, please contact Mary Foley, Executive Director of Merryman House at 270-443-6001; email at maryf@merrymanhouse.org; or visit the website at www.merrymanhouse.org.