The flood waters have receded, and it’s almost Race Season!! Beacon Dragway in Paducah has a New Track Manager for the 2019 Season, but he’s not completely new…Keith Murt, Track Owner, has asked Kevin Wesmolan to return as the Track Manager this year and he immediate said yes! I know there are lots of racers, as well as spectators, that are thrilled to hear of this change. Right now, they are focusing on getting everything moved back out to the track that had to be moved out when the water started rising from the floods last month. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but they are excited for what they have planned for this season and look forward to seeing everyone again and hope to see lots of new faces as well! They have already started doing a few test runs on the track to check equipment and make sure everything is up to par and ready for you to come out and enjoy this summer.
We will be doing some tickets and t-shirt giveaways on the Marshall County Daily Facebook Page in the weeks to come so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!