Messages of support and condolences have poured in from across the country in the aftermath of the tragic shooting that occurred at Marshall County High School on Tuesday, Jan. 23. These are just a very few of the ways communities have expressed their support.
Mt. Vernon Township High School
In light of the tragedy that took place on January 23 at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky. MVTHS Students and Staff banded together wearing orange and blue to show their support, pictured above.
“Ram Nation is saddened to hear of the tragedy at Marshall County High School. To those affected by this horrible action, please know that you have friends in Mt. Vernon who love and support you. Ram Nation is sending our love and support to all of those affected by this tragedy at Marshall County High School.”
Together we are all #MarshallStrong
Vanderbilt Medical Center
The Vanderbilt Emergency Department sent this photo and support that they are with Marshall County-Nathan K-paramedic VUMC Emergency Services.
Paris, Tennessee
The Eiffel Tower in Paris, Tennessee will be lit in orange and blue for the next three nights in support of Marshall County High School in the wake of the terrible tragedy they experienced today. Our hearts and prayers go out to the parents, students and staff at Marshall County High School.
Ballard County, KY
Many basketball games that took place Tuesday and Wednesday evening took time for a moment of silence in support of the Marshall County shooting victims and did away with their traditional school colors and donned the orange and blue. This photo is from the Ballard Memorial basketball players in their home game against Hickman County Tuesday.