LIHEAP Crisis Program Now Open

The Crisis Component of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program will begin on January 8, 2018

and will end on March 31, 2018, or until funds have been expended whichever comes first. This program is available to assist low-income families that are in a home-heating crisis within the eight counties served by West Kentucky Allied Services. (Ballard, Calloway, Carlisle, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, McCracken and Marshall)

A household shall be considered to be in a home heating CRISIS situation when:

  1. The household is within four days of running out of fuel (propane, kerosene,

Or wood) is the heat source; or

  1. The household has received a disconnect notice or termination notice on their natural

gas or electric bill;

  1. The household’s home heating costs are included as an undesignated portion

of the rent, and an eviction notice has been received; or

  1. The household participates in a pre-pay electric program and is within ten days or less for pre-paid electric service.

Application for assistance can be made at the local West Kentucky Allied Services office in your county. To be eligible you must meet the 130% of the poverty income guidelines.


  1. Social Security cards for everyone in the household.
  2. Proof of all income for every member in the household.
  3. Copy of the lease as well as an eviction notice if heating costs are included as an undesignated portion of the rent.
  4. A disconnect/past due or termination notice if electric or natural gas is the heating source.
  5. Must provide a metered utility bill to prove household residency
  6. Applicants who participate in a Pre-pay Electric Program must bring a statement from a utility company stating they have 10 days or less of pre-paid service.

This project funded, in part, under a contract with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Community Action of Kentucky, and funds from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program.”