Joe Brindley

Graveside services for Joe Brindley, 89, 0f Calvert City, were held Saturday, Aug. 12 at the Calvert City Cemetery.

Mr. Brindley died Monday, Aug. 7, 2017, at Oakview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. He was formerly a groundskeeper at the Calvert City Golf Course, a job he thoroughly loved.

He is survived by one niece, Edith Harding of Paducah; two great-nephews, Thomas Harding of Paducah and Terry Harding of Melber; one great-niece, Melissa Harris of Paducah; and his caregiver, Connie Egner of Calvert City.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Alton and Julie Brindley; and two sisters, Edith Morris and Floie Harris.

Filbeck-Cann and King was in charge of arrangements.