Saturday, August 12th, the Lady Marshals soccer team will host their annual soccer camp for girls and boys Kindergarten – 5th grade. The Kids Camp is $10 and campers need to bring a water bottle, soccer ball and wear cleats or tennis shoes. The camp will run 9:00-11:00 am and will included small sided scrimmages, defensive and offensive strategies and ball handling techniques and will be led by members of the Lady Marshals high school team. For more information contact Assistant Coach Savana Smothers at savanna_smothers@hotmail.com.
Click on the Kids Camp informational flyer here.
That evening, the Marshall County High School Soccer Boosters will host a Glow Run 5K at Kentucky Dam at 9:00 pm. Participants can register on active.com or download and print the attached registration form. Cost of the Glow Run 5K is $25 if registered by August 9th and $30 on race day.
Download and print the Glow Run registration form here.Glow-Run-2017