Turkey Bay to Re-open Thursday in LBL

LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES, KY/TN - Turkey Bay Off-Highway Vehicle Area will re-open
Thursday, March 24th at 8am, following a recent trail-damaging, rain event.
Management appreciates everyone's support during the temporary closure. While
inconvenient, such temporary closures allow staff to address safety hazards and
repair damaged areas, ensuring future riding at Turkey Bay.
To find more information about Land Between The Lakes, log on to the official
website at www.landbetweenthelakes.us<http://www.landbetweenthelakes.us> or call
toll-free at 1-800-LBL-7077 or local at 270-924-2000. Photos are available on Flickr
for downloading at https://www.flickr.com/photos/lblkytn/sets.
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