Wool Week and Sheep Shearing at the Homeplace 1850s Farm

LAND BETWEEN THE LAKES, KY/TN - The Homeplace 1850s
Farm<http://www.landbetweenthelakes.us/seendo/attractions/homeplace/> at Land
Between The Lakes National Recreation Area hosts a week of programs dedicated to
working with wool Monday-Saturday, April 4-9. Invited artist, Gary Larson, will give
Homeplace sheep their "haircut" for the year, 1850's style, on Sheep Shearing Day
Saturday, April 9. Programs will be ongoing from 10am-4pm each day.
"The sheep are ready to shed their wool from the past year and that means new
fleeces to wash, tease, card, spin, and dye," said Cindy Earls, Homeplace Lead
Interpreter. "We will show each step it takes to process our sheep's raw wool into
yarn, which we can knit or weave into clothing. Visitors are invited to get some
hands-on experience and lend a hand preparing the new fleeces for spinning into
Programs included with regular admission:  ages 13 and up $5; ages 5-12 $3; ages 4
and under are free. Fourth grade students can go to https://everykidinapark.gov/,
get their free Every Kid in a Park pass, and get their family in for free.
Week<http://www.landbetweenthelakes.us/calendar/wool-week/2016-04-04/> Program

*   Mon. - Washing a Fleece

*   Tue. - Carding Wool

*   Wed. - Spinning Yarn

*   Thu. - Dyeing Colors

*   Fri. - Knitting/Crocheting/Weaving
Sheep Shearing Day<http://www.landbetweenthelakes.us/calendar/sheep-shearing-day-3/>
Program Schedule:

*   10am-4pm - Wool Work

*   10am-12pm & 1-3pm - Going to the "Baa-bar Shop":  Spring Sheep Shearing

*   12-1pm - Meet and Greet with Sheep
            Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area manages more than
170,000 acres in western Kentucky and Tennessee as part of the U.S.
Forest Service and the Department of Agriculture's public lands program.
Land Between The Lakes offers outdoor recreation, lake access, land
management, and environmental education to over 1.4 million visitors
annually. The Friends of Land Between The Lakes works in partnership
with the Forest Service providing program services, funds development,
and volunteer support.
To find more information about Land Between The Lakes, log on to the official
website at www.landbetweenthelakes.us<http://www.landbetweenthelakes.us> or call
toll-free at 1-800-LBL-7077 or local at 270-924-2000. For more information on the
Friends of Land Between The Lakes, log on to
www.friendsoflbl.org<http://www.friendsoflbl.org>. To subscribe to the official
electronic newsletter, send an email to LBLinfo@fs.fed.us<mailto:LBLinfo@fs.fed.us>.
Land Between The Lakes official Twitter accounts include
@LBLHomeplace<https://twitter.com/LBLHomeplace>, and
@LandBtwnLakes<https://twitter.com/LandBtwnLakes>, and Pinterest
www.pinterest.com/lblnra<http://www.pinterest.com/lblnra>. Photos are available on
Flickr for downloading at https://www.flickr.com/photos/lblkytn/sets.
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