Water over road report for KYTC District 1

While the rain has moved on, area highway crews are continuing to monitor
floodwaters at numerous locations across the region.

Floodwaters have fallen enough at some locations to allow roadways to reopen. 
However, water has been rising at other locations causing highways to be added to
our list.   Please note that with water reported over this many highways, there are
likely as many county roads and city streets where floodwaters are creating similar

We anticipate that this list will continue to change through the day.  With
additional rain in the forecast over the weekend it is possible the list may change
on Saturday and Sunday.  We encourage motorists to carefully monitor area news media
for forecast updates or check our Facebook page for highway status information.

Here is our Water Over Road Report for District 1 at 9:30 a.m.

Carlisle County

KY 1620 OPEN from the 3 to 4 mile marker

1820 is CLOSED from the 1 to 3 mile marker at Mayfield Creek

Hickman County

US 51WATER OVER ROAD at 3 to 5mm between KY 1529 and KY 780 at Bayou De Chien KY 307
North CLOSED at 13-14mm in Obion Creek Area south of KY 1748/Courtney Rd with KYTC
personnel flagging

KY 58 OPEN at 6 to 7mm between Clinton and Columbus

KY 239 OPEN at 1 to 2mm between KY 1529 and KY 123 at Bayou De Chien

KY 123 is CLOSED between the 14 and 16mm in the Obion Creek Bottoms area near Oakton
KY 780 is CLOSED between 1 and 2mm between Sublett Road and Titsworth Road

KY 780 at 1-2mm CLOSED

Lyon County

KY 1943 is CLOSED in Lyon County at mile point 4.3 due to Floodwaters from Skin
Frame Creek.

McCracken County

KY 348/Wadesboro Rd is CLOSED in McCracken County due to a washed out cross drain
between Hardmoney and KY 450/Oaks Road.

KY 1255/Bonds Road is CLOSED between the 2 and 3mm.  KY 1255 also serves as a detour
for KY 348 which is closed for bridge construction near the Hardmoney community.

Fulton County

KY 94 WATER OVER ROAD from 7 to 11mm between The Dip and KY 311 South of
Hickman-Water on one lane

KY 94 OPEN from 22 to 25mm in Willingham Bottom

Graves County

KY 408 OPEN at mile marker 9.4- thru 10.05

KY1283 is OPEN at the 0.074 mile marker just off state route 58


Trigg County

KY 1507 is closed at the 1 mile marker

KY 1585/Montgomery Church Rd is CLOSED at the 5 to 6mm between US 68 and KY 272

As roadways reopen they will be posted to the list once as OPEN, then will be
removed from the list on the next report.