BENTON – Craig Caudill, Chief Instructor at the Nature Reliance School in Central Kentucky, will be at the Marshall County Public Library on November 30 to lead a free instructional seminar on wilderness survival.
“After a few harsh winters and with the popularity of post-apocalyptic novels and reality shows about preppers, survival training has become increasingly popular in our area,” says Lenisa Jones, Branch Manager at the Marshall County Public Library @Benton. “We’re excited to have Craig come out and do this workshop and provide some good, solid information for those who are merely curious, as well as those who spend a lot of time outdoors and might find themselves in a situation where having survival training can make a lifesaving difference.”
At an early age, Caudill challenged himself with two distinct “woods sabbaticals” in which he walked into the wilderness with very minimal supplies (a knife) and stayed for nearly 30 days each. These two experiences left him understanding the limits to his knowledge of bushcraft and wilderness living. It was those two experiences that have led him to the last two decades of practicing and honing practical wilderness and primitive skills (i.e. Native American and other aboriginal culture skills)
Besides his own regular, dedicated lifestyle of training he has also trained with notable instructors including, Richard Cleveland of Earth School, Tom Laskowski of The Mid-West Native Skills Institute, Rob Speiden of Nature Awareness Tracking School, and Doug Meyer, Johnny Faulkner and Jon Moore all of whom are primitive technologists. He is also an active martial artist holding advanced black belt degrees in both Aikido and Judo, and is an active student of tactical mindset and techniques, both armed and unarmed. He has trained with notable instructors such as John Hurth of Tyr Group, LLC, James Yeager of Tactical Response, Rodney VanZant of Iron Sight Defense, and Aaron Little of Performance Edge Training.
Caudill is also an accomplished writer and has written a weekly column for his local newspaper, The Winchester Sun. He serves as “in-house” survival instructor for Dan’s Depot, where he consults on survival gear, does product reviews, and has a YouTube channel. He has guest blogged for over 30 outdoor/survival related blog sites, been featured on Kentucky Education Television for the show Kentucky Life with host Dave Shuffett, as well as Tim’s Country Kitchen, where he discussed edible/medicinal plants and survival food strategies. He has also written or been featured in several magazines including Self-Reliance Illustrated, Kentucky Afield, Wilderness Way, Backwoodsman and Kentucky Monthly.
The program is scheduled for Monday, November 30, at the @Benton branch of the Marshall County Public Library. Registration will begin at 5:00, and the program will begin at 5:30. The program is free and open to the public.