BENTON – [VIDEO FOLLOWS REPORT] Marshall County Judge Executive, Kevin Neal, called his first meeting of the Fiscal Court to order and wasn’t the only new face at Tuesday’s Fiscal Court meeting. Brad Warning is the new Deputy Judge Executive, Scott Brown is the new ABC Administrator and Fiscal Court Clerk is Desiree Hermosillo.
Benton Attorney Martin Johnson presented a resolution to the Fiscal Court authorizing Judge Neal and Deputy Judge Warning to execute a document on behalf of the Fiscal Court to convey the title of the Fleetwood Property in Benton to the buyer, Steven Alexander.
Sanitation District #2
Randy Travis and Bobby Turner have been sworn in as board members of Sanitation District #2 but they are still in need of a third board member.

Fishing Pier
Larry Whitt, Marshall County Parks Director, gave the court an update on day parks that Marshall County has easements and contracts on some, with TVA. Whitt submitted a list of which ones have easements and which will expire.
Marshall County takes care of mowing and trash pickup at these sites. TVA is proposing a fishing pier at Big Bear Park as part of their 2016 budget. Marshall County will be responsible for an in-kind share of the fishing pier construction.
Whitt referenced the fishing pier at the Sledd Creek boat ramp and park area which is what the pier will look like. The court approved the preliminary talks with TVA on this project.
Kerry Landing/Birmingham Pointe
Judge Neal requested that County Road Superintendent Russell York, to take a look at the roads one more time so they can tell the residents what work needs to be done before the roads can be taken into the country road system.
Bonds for the newly appointed Deputy Judge Executive and ABC Administrator bonds were approved by the court.
The next meeting of the Fiscal Court is December 1, 2015.