Marshall County Judge/Executive Neal swears in Deputy Judge and ABC Administrator

Judge Neal swears in Deputy Judge/Executive Brad Warning
Judge Neal swears in Deputy Judge/Executive Brad Warning

BENTON – Marshall County’s newly elected Judge/Executive, Kevin Neal, recently made two new appointments to fill the vacant seats of Deputy Judge/Executive and ABC Administrator.

In order to make the appointment process more transparent and effective, Judge Neal brought in two local officials and two randomly selected local citizens.  One official worked in city management while the other came from law enforcement.

Brad Warning was appointed Deputy Judge by Judge Neal.  Mr. Warning and his wife of 12 years reside in Calvert City with their son, Owen, and two daughters, Elliott and Avery.  He graduated from UK with a Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and a Minor in Business.  For three years, he and his wife worked in vocational ministry in Lexington before moving back to Calvert City.

After moving back and beginning a career in healthcare management, Mr. Warning become more interested in local government and what it meant to give back to the community.  In 2013, he was appointed to the Calvert City Board of Adjustments and then shortly thereafter the Calvert City Planning Commission.

Mr. Warning stated, “After moving into the Marshall County community, I always had the desire to promote and serve the citizens of the place I call home.  After hearing about the vacant Deputy Judge’s seat, I knew I was interested in the job.  I’m honored to serve alongside Judge/Executive Neal, and I’m very excited to have an opportunity where I can play a part in making this county a better place to live for all of our citizens.”

The next seat to be filled was that of ABC Administrator.  New to Marshall County, the Administrator’s powers and duties can be briefly described as being the regulation, supervision and control of the distribution and sale of all alcoholic beverages and the issuance of permits, and the regulation of those duties and powers.

Scott Brown was appointed to fulfill the duties of the ABC Administrator.  Mr. Brown, a recent retiree from the Benton Police Department, served in law enforcement for 25 years.  He and his wife, Dr. Christina Brown, live in Benton with their four children.

After learning of the appointment, Mr. Brown stated, “My interest in the ABC position grew after working for other departments that were located in jurisdictions where alcohol was sold.  I think the position of administrating alcohol sales in Marshall County, and ensuring the state laws and county ordinances are followed, is critical.  I pride myself in being firm but fair.  I understand that communication with these business owners and all of our citizens is vital to this position. I’m looking forward to serving in this role.”

Judge/Executive Neal said he was extremely pleased with the new appointments.  Neal stated, “Their years of experience in public service is a welcome asset to our county government.  It was good to bring individuals from different parts of the community to be a part of the process.  I’ll continue to push for transparency in our county government.”

Judge Neal swears in ABC Administrator Scott Brown
Judge Neal swears in ABC Administrator Scott Brown