Golden Pond, Kentucky The Homeplace 1850’s Working Farm, inside Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, will present Children’s Day: Growing Up in the 1850s virtually this year on Saturday, May 9, 2020, beginning at 9 am. The day will be divided into chores and a school session. Visit https://www/facebook.com/events/1135244733479294 to access this event.
Homeplace Lead Interpreter Cindy Earls said “We can’t be on the farm together; however, we are bringing the farm to your home for the day, doing all the things a child growing up in the 1850s would do!”
The morning chore session will include:
Making Your Bed
What’s Up in the Garden
Time To Do the Laundry
Chicken Chores
How We Measure Our Mules
Meet the Oxen
The 1850s School Session will begin at 3 pm, with recess to follow.
All day your family will have fun tasks to do and learn the 1850s way.
We continue to try to provide the public with environmental and cultural educational offerings even though we are receiving no revenue due to the governmental closure of our facilities and gift shops. If you enjoy these offerings, we would appreciate any support you can provide through our secure online donation website: https://friendsoflbl.org/donations/