Mike Miller Park closing to public, Mar. 18 at 4:30pm

Due to Gov Beshear’s order Tuesday, the Marshall County Parks Department will be closing all of Mike Miller Park’s facilities to the public. The gate at the entrance will be locked at all times and no one will be permitted to enter for any reason other than employees.

Pavilions and playgrounds at all of our day use parks are being closed as well. Boat ramps and boat docks will remain open at this time. Day use parks with closures include: Aurora Community Park, Big Bear Park, Buckhorn Park, Haddock’s Ferry Park, Hardin Park (basketball court and baseball field only), Lakeland Wesley Village Park, Rocky Point, Sledd Creek Park.

We will be contacting anyone who currently has reservations in the coming days to make arrangements. If you have business with the park, you may still contact us at 270-527-5284 or by email at parks@marshallcountyky.gov You can also visit our website www.marshallcountyparks.gov for more park related information.

The Marshall County Parks Department will be posting activities daily on the Mike Miller Park facebook page and the Marshall County Parks Instagram page to keep the citizens of Marshall County active and engaged during this challenging time.