Kentucky State Police are on scene at the Graves County Courthouse investigating an overnight bomb threat. At approximately 3 a.m., KSP Post 1 Dispatch received a call from a local crisis hotline worker. The worker reported a male had told their agency he had placed a bomb inside the courthouse.
Troopers secured the area around the courthouse, shutting down roadways and area immediately around the area. Investigators later determined there was no device in the building and reopened the area to traffic, however.
Preliminary investigation has led to the arrest of Robin M. Farley, 55, of Mayfield. Mr. Farley was taken into custody about 5 a.m. and charged with First Degree Terroristic Threatening, First Degree Possession of a
Controlled Substance (Cocaine), and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. He was lodged in the Graves County Jail.
The investigation remains ongoing. KSP asks anyone with information to contact the Kentucky State Police Post 1 at 270-856-3721 or anonymously at 1-800-222-5555. Citizens may also report tips anonymously through the KSP app.