DRAFFENVILLE – Marshall County School District honored those receiving annual awards at the School Board Meeting on May 26th. A complete list of award recipients is below followed by photos of those in attendance.
Teacher of the Year Awards:
-Marilyn Wyatt, Benton Elementary School
-Carolyn Eplee, Benton Elementary School
-Haley Chambers, Benton Middle School
-Karen Kunneke, Calvert City Elementary School
-Belinda Lyles, Central Elementary School
-Carrie Rogers, Jonathan Elementary School
-Jeanne Lovett, Marshall County High School
-Andrew Clinton, North Marshall Middle School
-Shannon Hamlet, Sharpe Elementary School
-Melissa Trabucco, South Marshall Elementary School
-Luke English, South Marshall Middle School
Educational Support Staff Awards:
-Suzanne Mattingly, Benton Elementary School
-Nancee Miller, Benton Middle School
-Suzy Colburn, Calvert City Elementary School
-Julie Wininger, Central Elementary School
-Sara Logue, Jonathan Elementary School
-Karen Cunningham, Marshall County High School
-Missy Barrett, North Marshall Middle School
-Jerry Kemp, Sharpe Elementary School
-Brenda Lamb, South Elementary School
-Susan Starks, South Marshall Elementary School
-Elizabeth Dawson, South Marshall Middle School
2016 Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP):
-Jarrett Radcliffe
-Lance Dyke
-Daniel Lepore
-Hunter Peck
-Chloe Waggoner
-Madeline Henson
-Caitlin Harvey
-Claire Edwards
-Elizabeth Padgett
-Lakyn Rye
-Shelton Owen
2016 Kentucky Center Governor’s School of Arts (GSA):
-Thad Buchanon
-Mary Cox
2016 Kentucky Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs (GSE):
-Daniel Sills
2016 Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA):
-Elizabeth Padgett
-Hayden Eubanks
-Matthew Youngblood
The Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship High School Student Congress:
-Nolan Yates
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